Since the UK left the European Union, the China-UK route has found solid ground in Kaliningrad as a transhipment point. After the port of Immingham, vessels now take off to the port of Felistowe from the Russian enclave. Soon, Tilbury will be added to the timetables....
How can rail freight transport get the most out of 2021? RTSB believes that the sector should build around two pillars: consistent advertising of rail products and optimisation of processes. Together with the development of new products, these are the focal points of...
Ukraine is pursuing a more active role in the transportation of goods between Europe and China. Negotiations are ongoing with companies such as DHL, PKP Cargo Connect and BTLC Germany,for the establishment of a regular route along the corridor. Read full article...
In the past few years, many new routes have sprung up on the New Silk Road. With the continuously rising popularity of rail transportation between Europe and China, there was need of alternatives to the traditional route taking through the Polish-Belarusian border....
DHL Global Forwarding, Logistiktochter der Deutschen Post DHL Group, hat zwei neue Ganzzugverbindungen von Deutschland nach China aufgenommen. Die eine führt vom KTL-Terminal am BASF-Standort Ludwigshafen über Polen, Weißrussland, Russland und Kasachstan zum...
Operateur der China-Züge ist der Bahnspediteur Rail Transportation Service Broker (RTSB) mit Sitz im Taunus. Der Expresszug benötigt für die 11.000 km lange Strecke von Neuss nach China zehn bis elf Tage. Damit ist er drei Tage schneller als der Regelzug, der...